Newsletter March 19
19.03.24, 16:00


Dear Community,

Hello and welcome to the latest UBports newsletter. 

Firstly this is a shorter newsletter than usual due to he need to remind you to join the Board of Trustees and that we have elections for both the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee coming up in May this year. The full details of which we will be covering in full in a future newsletter.

The question you may be asking now is how do I join the BoT, who can and how do you stand in or vote in the elections? Firstly you need to be a member of the UBports Foundation Board of Trustees. And how do I do that I hear you ask. Well if you have actively contributed to Ubuntu Touch for the last three months and plan to do so for at least the next six, then you can apply to join the UBports Foundation Board of Trustees. Members of the BoT are then eligible to stand for and vote in the elections for the BoD and Membership Committee.

If you want to do that now or are just interested in finding out more then please read the blog to find out all the requirements.

If you are thinking about it for this year then please note there is limited time left to join the BoT for this round of elections, so don't hang about read the blog and apply now.

BoT members are not there just to vote or stand in our elections, they are a vital part of UBports and Ubuntu Touch in many other ways too, so to have your say in, and help shape the future of UBports and Ubuntu Touch directly please do apply.
It cannot be stressed enough how important to us the involvement of the UBports Community in Ubuntu Touch. We would really like to have  as many of you as possible directly involved and the BoT is one great way to do that.

A shorter and less feature filled newsletter this time but still full of some important information that needed to get out there.

Updates on UBports TouchDown Buckets

You will probably remember us mentioning the upcoming changes to our release model as discussed in this blog 

Ratchanan has been working on the changes to the development branch as mentioned here. The Cl changes are now complete and running as expected. However there is an issue with some MR's failing to build due to dependencies. We're working on bootstrapping the APT archive to correct this.

Stand alone Kernel builds

Also on image builds, Luksas has created and is testing a stand alone kernel method for building the image on the OP5/5T. This method saves on build resources and time needed compared with the current full-system-image method .  It only needs to build one generic_arm64 image (for every Halium version), which could then be used by many devices. There are many other benefits that come in with this method making the whole process easier on resources and maintenance.
To find out more of the detail and how to try it on the OP5/5T use this link to the Forum post.

Capsia has been in discussions on our current website and odoo and proposed improvement plans should be available shortly. Capsia is also working on a device testing app. More on that as soon as we can.

Then there is the upcoming changes to the devices webpage as mentioned in the blog from early February. We said it would be at least two months from the blog publication and that remains the plan, so expect the changes early to mid April.

We will have more information next time including Lomiri  where a lot is in progress and the other UTD Buckets. We also have an online UTD Office space every Wednesday from 18.44 UTC to approx 20.30 UTC for catching up on the latest development  work from the UTD so more on that also next time.



Why not use a space like this in the newsletter to tell your fellow Community members all about your Ubuntu Touch and UBports experience. Just send an article for the newsletter to

Apps and more

We may have mentioned this before, but do you like sheep? and who doesn't. Well the next time you use the OpenStore app go to the app you want to install and tap on the app icon and hay presto sheep.

In the last Q&A the latestest new and updated apps got a mention. To avoid duplication this time we looking at a few utilities for Focal.



ut-sysbench-qt-gui is a simple GUI for sysbench.

Adam Friedrich Schrey


A WiFi scanner for 2.4GHz and 5GHz

Terence Sambo


Supporting Ubuntu Touch and UBports


There are many ways you can help and support UT and UBports. 

One of these is in the UBports Shop where you can buy yourself or someone else a Ubuntu Touch, UBports shaped gift.

Another is by making a donation. One at a time or on a more regular basis. No matter how large or small, please remember they are very much appreciated and that you are helping directly the development of UT!

You can also donate something else which is as equally valued by us, your time and enthusiasm. If you would like to get involved please do. If you are not already on the Forum it is a great place to start. There are many other ways you can help your fellow UBports Community members so please join in and lets us know how you want to help at

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